9 steps to the perfect customer service


Customer service needs to be continously improved. Not only due to changing technology that can help us, but also due to competition developments.

If you want to provide to you customers the best services available in 2013, see the 9 tips published on CustomerThink.

  1. Customer service should be flawless across all channels. People are frustrated if they are sent with a problem from one agent to another. Service must be integrated and the left hand must know what the right is doing.
  2. Introduce the most comprehensive and reliable ways clients can help themselves. Customers are most of all annoyed by delays. Let them, therefore, be able to resolve most issues by themselves.
  3. Connect customers to the right expert. And fast! Reasons are similar as in the first point. Do not frustrate people by calling someone who is not an expert on the matter, and then again waiting for another connection.
  4. Let all agents have an overview of the history of the client. They should have a uniform view of all communication with them.
  5. Provide contact centers with real time overview. How many workers are available, how many people are waiting on phones, etc. This helps to optimize allocation of their resources.
  6. Create a one-stop-shop information point for clients and agents. It could serve to help both, the agents of the distribution chain, and customers.
  7. Introduce forms of support and cooperation on social networks. Customers like to lbe helped by someone who has dealt with the same problem. In addition, this reduces requirements on the service center.
  8. Evaluate your applications - how fast is their return? If you buy an application in 2013, the return should be a matter of months, not years.
  9. Use cloud for customer services. It improves performance, reduces costs and improves the speed and flexibility of service.



Article source CustomerThink - US website focused on customer care
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