10 ways to increase sales via the Internet


The first criterion for success of an online business is having an attractive website, which will make visitors to become customers. But there are more ways you can help your online sales. Try the following tips by the OPEN Forum.

  1. Provide regular updates. You will gain new customers and improve your position in search engines.
  2. Professional appearance. It should not be apparent at a first glance that you are actually only a small firm. Therefore, invest in professional design for people to see that you take business seriously.
  3. Build confidence. Professional appearance and offering real value increases the credibility and the likelihood that a user returns to the page. And the second time they are more likely to buy.
  4. Publish new content. People will recognize it and come back to see what's new.
  5. Network. Allow to enroll in professional lists, which are inserted as links to the Web.
  6. Publish elsewhere. Write articles on other sites with a backlink to your site. This also gives you the authority in your industry.
  7. Watch the competition. Try to get higher than they are in search engines.
  8. Customer reviews actively involve customers in the creation of your website and gives them an impact on your business. It also helps to build loyalty.
  9. Social network. Enable following on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. Inform fans about updates. In addition, try to encourage their engagement.
  10. Mobile accessibility. Customize your website for smartphones and tablets, a large percentage of visitors of your website will look via such devices.


Article source OPEN Forum - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs
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