Expected marketing trends for 2013


Buying behavior is changing almost as fast as new technologies arise. There is no perspective of a slowdown. In marketing, there are therefore five key trends to be expected, which will fundamentally change this discipline:

  1. Digital marketing is changing its nature. It started approximately 5 years ago. But now digital marketing has a new meaning, it is turning into an ecosystem: A set of tools and channels that gradually come together and everything fits together. E-mail marketing, social media, SEO, mobile marketing and content marketing are part of it. Each strategy should be included in one master plan.
  2. Branding comes alive. In 2013, the importance of brands will grow. Branding must offer experience, visualization of brands will become increasingly important. Confidence and influence that lead to action are communicated as part of branding.
  3. Integrated campaigns are crucial. Each campaign is expensive, so the individual elements must be mutually supportive. It pays to pay attention to new communication channels.
  4. Fusion of CMO and IT. Or more likely - fusion is on the horizon, first collisions can be expected. New marketing places strong demands on IT. Ideally, try to talk to IT now already, and do not wait for problems with the division of the corporate budget.
  5. Nurture marketing will continue to grow. It will not be only "nurturing" of new contacts, it is not enough. Emphasis will be placed on retaining existing clients and building long-term customer loyalty.


Article source CustomerThink - US website focused on customer care
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