Are you nervous about cold calling?


If a sales person is nervous about calling, there is usually for one of the following three reasons behind:

  1. True cold calling. The sales person picks up the phone and says what "sounds" right. Usually this is followed by a response like "I'm not interested," or "no, thank you." Such a call has no structure and no objectives. Nothing to bounce off or give directions how to proceed.
  2. A plan, but not a good one. Instead of directly avoiding the most common objections, the script says how to respond, how to overcome them. Each call then looks like a conversation with your boss.
  3. Good script, but poorly executed. The sales person probably did not spend enough time to truly master the sales process. Lack of sufficient training.

Be honest to yourself

If you want to change the nervousness into confident calls, you first have to be honest. Find out which of the above is the main reason for your fear of calling. Then start taking steps to fix the problem and stop blaming the economic crisis.

However, a certain degree of nervousness and fear may be beneficial. It's kind of like stage fright and it motivates you. But this is a different kind of nervousness and you need to distinguish it well.



Article source EyesOnSales - popular sales blog for Sales Professionals around the world
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