How young people use their mobiles?

Teenagers are much more connected than older age groups. The handle multi-tasking, skipping from one device to anothe, and have difficulty trusting a brand. According to information from MTV, content is the most important for them, but it must be interactive, mobile and enabling social experience.

See what other interesting findings about young people were published magazine Marketing Week:

  • Contemporary 18's use social networks, chat and text messages to contact with friends and family more than 50 times each day.
  • Teenagers are surprisingly more conscious and careful about privacy issues than people between 18 and 24 years. They protect personal information better. If a company is not sufficiently open, they rather submit false information.
  • Teenagers can handle multitasking well and divide their attention between various devices without losing track of the content. Therefore, they can handle simultaneously several sources of information.
  • Today's young people have a huge amount of loose connections. For them, it is easy to change brands. On the contrary, it is difficult for marketers to establish long-term relationship with them.
  • Young people expect the same service across all communication channels. They start on their mobile phone, and then they want to continue on another device. In addition, it is necessary to keep their attention by quality content.
  • 65% of people under 18 years think that mobile internet is just for people like them who need to be constantly online. The same holds only 48% of the population aged 18-24.
  • Up to 18 years, mobile internet is used primarily for communication and entertainment, Over 18's use it to be well informed.
  • Contemporary teenagers have grown up on the Internet. Automatically, they expect everyone (companies) will behave the same and will also be connected.
  • They are impatient, have high expectations and require immediate attention (not necessarily a solution, but a response).
  • Phone and e-mail is well accepted in these groups and is still required.

Consumer habits are changing and in teenagers this is most evident. Brands must understand and accept their way of communicating to remain relevant for them.



Article source Marketing Week - website of a leading UK magazine for marketers
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