3 ways to create a high quality landing page

No matter where from a visitor lands on your website, the page where they arrive is called the landing page. And it is at that moment that it will be decided whether they stay become a paying customer. That is why it is a good to properly optimize your landing page for example by following 3 strategies:

  1. Customized landing pages. For different types of visitors you can use different types of custom pages. Landing page should be a sort of link between the source where the visitor came from, and the rest of the site. So when someone comes via a PPC campaign that promotes a particular product, they should not be taken to the home page, it can confuse them. They should land where there will be a natural continuation of the advertisement. It can be simple - you can send them to the product page. Or you can create a unique landing page for each type of the groups the PPC advertising targets. The better the landing page is tailored, the more effective functioning of the call to action, because even the call is adapted to the target audience.
  2. Split-test multiple versions of landing pages. When you test multiple versions of landing pages, you will discover which elements work best. It must be borne in mind that people usually spend only a few seconds on the landing page, during which they decide whether the content is worth their attention or whether to click on the Back button. The test is best done using the Content Experiments in Google Analytics.
  3. Are your results not good enough? Try a video landing page! Video sites start a video instead of showing texts. The degree of engagement is usually higher with interactive content than on text pages, so more visitors are feel addressed. But you are still giving them the same information as they would otherwise read. And it's not as difficult as you might think. Just use the built-in webcam on your computer. Then make a video that is short and goes straight to the point. Explain the advantages and what you want the viewers to do next. Talk energeticly and match the background of the video according to the topic.

The effort to adapt the landing page is usually the key to the quality of the website and to the degree of conversions that take place there.



Article source Entrepreneur.com - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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