Nobody is interested in my Product. What now?


Arousing initial interest in customers is the alpha and omega of sales. Maybe you are in a situation in which nobody is interested in your proposals. If that is the case, it is time for you to think about the following questions:

Are you interested in your customer?

A real interest, which you want to make your customer have, is necessarily mutual in its essence. You cannot expect to engage your client if you do not show a genuine interest in his needs and problems. Try to have empathy with your client´s situation as naturally as possible.

What makes your product special?

You will never make the customer seriously consider your offer if it does not differ from the similar offers of the competition. Can you name at least five extra benefits that your product has when compared to other ones.

Do you seem trustworthy?

Credibility is what often makes a difference between a good salesperson and a bad one. The client must feel that you are to be trusted – there are many ways how to reach that. Use all your wit to make the customer trust you.

Do you seem like a successful salesperson?

Nothing can thwart the success of the deal as much as giving the impression of a loser. Be confident and trust yourself, your product, and your company.

Are you sure you are not trying to be too smart?

Do not explain everything to your customer like he does not know anything. On the contrary – be interested in his opinion and always give him space for expressing it.

Do you know how to close the deal?

A surprisingly frequent mistake is the inability to recognize the signs that the client is ready to close the deal and the inability to make steps necessary to reach a successful solution. A good salesperson always knows when and how to end the proposal part and get to the actual signing of the contract.


Article source EyesOnSales - popular sales blog for Sales Professionals around the world
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