How do you succeed at a sales job interview?


It is not necessarily easy, even for experienced and skilled individuals, to impress a recruitment manager when trying to get a job as a salesperson. The economic crisis, among other things, made company management more worried about potential financial wastage connected to the hiring of an unsuitable candidate; this means that hiring techniques improved and each candidate is examined thoroughly. The Eyes on Sales server brought several tips on how to succeed at a sales interview.

Determine your specific role. You should not try to break through in all areas of business and sales – recruiters do not want to see „I am capable and willing to do anything“. Choose a concrete, specific field of interest based on your experience, abilities, knowledge and personal interest.

Perfect your CV. Above all, you should not be lying about anything in your resume, and there should be no (even minor) discrepancies. These are reasons for a candidate's instant rejection.

Find information about the company you are interested in. You do not have to know the exact date the company was founded. However, what you should have some knowledge of is the corporate culture and products. Ideally, you should attempt to talk to someone who is an employee of the company.

It needs practice. Interviews, similar to most human activities, require practice and experience. Do not get desperate if your first interviews did not go as you wished them to.

Be aware of your weaknesses. Nobody is perfect, and if you are trying to look like you are, people will see you as untrustworthy. Do not be afraid to admit to some of your weaknesses; however, also provide explanation for them as well as plans for how to deal with them.

Bring something new. Impress the recruiter by telling him something he or she does not know. If you differentiate yourself from other candidates in this positive way, or if you manage to make the recruiter feel like the time he or she spent with you was effective, then you are definitely on the right track.


Article source EyesOnSales - popular sales blog for Sales Professionals around the world
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