No theory. 5 real tips for creating good content

Content marketing, creation of quality content as the basis of a functioning marketing, content distribution ... There is a lot of advice all around, what marketers should do. And then some extra theory on how to do it. Fortunately, Socialmouths came up with something better - real advice on how to create such a quality sharable content, or rather how to choose the right catchy topic. For there are thousands of new posts on blogs and other Internet media every day. So how to stand out ? How to find what can attract attention?

  1. Challenge a popular view. When everyone in the industry writes about a specific product feature and strongly recommends it, why not challenge this opinion? You must have a valid argument, but it is certain that you will get attention.
  2. Combine themes. Post in a certain spirit will be more fun to read. Ride the wave of Harry Potter and Fifty shades of gray. Choose what you enjoy, and combine it with the topic of your work.
  3. Controversy. Do not be afraid to be on the edge, or even controversial. Even this can be a way to greater attention. However, it must go hand in hand with the brand communication.
  4. Take advantage of seasonal and recurring events. Many companies monitor the Cyber Mondays and other regular events. Provide the latest information on this occasion. If you do not have it, contact an expert and publish an interview with them. But before someone else will do.
  5. Use some newsjacking. When you something new happens, something that is related to your industry, use it. It may be the birth of the royal heir, an opening of a local restaurant, or another news about Iveta Bartosova. You will see how this increases the virality of your post .

If you fail to discover an original topic, use a new perspective. The key to the success of content is in yourself - your personal style. Treat each article as your own and always put the maximum from yourself.

What tactics for creating interesting content have you been using? Tell us below the article.


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Article source SocialMouths - blog providing advice in social media marketing
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