Children believe in Santa. What do your consumers believe in?

According to an international survey conducted by Nielsen, finally after several years consumer confidence is rising, which is very important for economic development. Trust and ensuing confidence helps decide on whether people buy a product or not.

Half of the decisions we make are based on our feelings. Yet it is often trust which decides what those emotions are. That is why it is so important to build relationships with customers: Gained trust will help induce positive feelings that will lead to a purchase.

Consumer confidence and economic crisis

People can be full of positive emotions when watching an ad for a plasma TV. Yet during an economic crisis they will not buy it, because their consumer confidence is falling. Well, obviously: their company has several layoffs, and there is an increased electricity bill in their mailbox. Due to the uncertainty, they have a tendency to save money, or they use available funds to pay off other debt.

Make them believe

Trust requires an emotional engagement. Therefore, make sure that the customer experience is always positive and makes them feel good. They will then remember the emotions as the emotional signature of your brand.

Emotional signature should be as clear as possible, ideally expressible in one word. Next time you address the customer, bring up these emotions and remind them that it is time to buy again. Confidence in your brand becomes the basis for positive emotions.

We all want the economy growing again. Both companies and consumers will be happy that way. So help the economy by helping people to believe that your products and services are worthy of their trust .


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