12 ways to support video on YouTube


Consultant Jason Rich wrote a book describing the secrets of success of marketing on YouTube. The popularity of videos is steadily growing and in 2014 this trend will be continued. However, there are thousands of new videos every day. Portal Entrepreneur.com therefore chose 12 tips from the book that can be used by each of us for success of our videos.

  1. Use tools directly on YouTube. Pay attention to an exact title and description, remember to add tags with keywords.
  2. Straight in the video, insert a call to action: Ask your audience to share, comment or rate the clip.
  3. Start promoting the video by using real friends, relatives and your clients. Ask them to watch it and shared it.
  4. Use your accounts on social networks. Insert your videos there.
  5. Add videos to your website or blog.
  6. Offer clients an option to receive e-mails with information about newly published videos.
  7. Use PR Techniques: Send a press release to the press and bloggers. Some of them publish your content.
  8. List videos in search engines such as Google and Bing. Then use conventional SEO techniques to get the best possible ranking.
  9. Try to promote videos by cooperating with another company that has the same target audience, but is not your direct competitor. They will support you and you will support them.
  10. Your YouTube channel should be promoted in all catalogs and brochures of the company.
  11. If possible, consider paid advertising based on keywords, such as Google AdWords.
  12. If you have sufficient budget, find a company specialized in video marketing, that will help you effectively plan your videos and promote them.


Article source Entrepreneur.com - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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