3 reasons why people do not want anybody to sell them anything


There is a saying in sales that goes: People love buying, but they hate being sold. This business proverb describes one of the paradoxes in sales. If, you, as a salesperson, know that your product will help the prospective client, that the client is interested and that he or she is even willing to pay the price, why is it sometimes so difficult to close the deal? The answer is this: people do not like it when someone is trying to sell them something. Why is this? That is the question dealt with in the recently published Salesopedia article.

  • Reason no.1: People do not like someone telling them what to do. People as a species are conceited, know-it-alls. They firmly believe that they know best what is what. So if someone comes and tries to tell them what to do they, quite understandably, turn their back on them. You can avoid this kind of problem by focusing on the needs of the customer. Let them talk and do not try to "educate“ them.

  • Reason no.2: The salesperson is the focus of interest. This reason is an extension of the first one. People like talking about themselves, their problems and their opinions. However, what we often see instead is the incorrect balance. The salesperson's talk focuses on the presentation showing no interest in the needs and thoughts of the client.

  • Reason no.3: People do not like to feel pressured. Well, nobody likes to be in a situation where they are feeling pressured. These days, we are constantly under deadlines at work and home, whether paying rent or dealing with banks. Make the sales situation easier for the client and do not apply unnecessary pressure.


Article source Salesopedia - website that offers everything on sales
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