What you don't know and you should know about SEO


SEO is the foundation of the company to be found on the Internet. Before you hire costly experts to help with optimization, you should understand well at least the basics. Then you have a chance to choose an expert well and you will not be shocked after a few months how much money you blew through the window without you page being visited more. SEO consultation pays most in the development stage of your website. Later, the possibilities are only limited.


Keywords are the key! And not just for Google but also for other search engines. Fresh, focused content gains the most attention.Therefore, it is recommended to use a blog to publish new articles. However, it is necessary to bear in mind what words and phrases are crucial to the page. These should regularly appear in your articles. But be careful - stuffing content with too many keywords may, on the contrary, be penalized.

When choosing keywords, ask yourself whether to consider geographical perspective. Compare the difference between the phrases "real estate agency" and "real estate agency Plzeň." To evaluate the quality of keywords, you can use Google's AdWords Keyword Tool.

Page Title

Once you have your keywords, it's about where you place them. Now the page name, ie what appears in the line to enter a web address, is the most important place, where appropriate keywords should be placed.

Also pay attention to the description of each page, i.e., the text that will appear as the description in search results. Here, too, keywords should be used.


One measure of success for the search engines is how much others mention you. So backlinks used on third party websites. This part of SEO is difficult and here more than anywhere else it may be worth to use someone's help.

Before you will will be quoted by a reputable source, you can contact bloggers and establish relations. Initially, this is very time-consuming.


Article source Entrepreneur.com - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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