6 Ways to Lose Followers on Twitter


There are constantly articles about how to get more followers. But what if their number declines - can we do something to prevent it? Portal PR Daily discovered six reasons why you may be loosing your audience.

  1. Your posts are mainly reposts. If you have a profile on Twitter to publish your posts from Facebook and Instagram, then it was a mistake.
  2. You like Caps Lock. Emphasizing a word using capital letters can only be recommended. However, if you use caps lock the entire post with a length of 140 characters, the effect is the opposite. It makes no sense to "shout out" more than one word.
  3. Not using shortened URL's. Bit.ly and similar services have their justification. Long URL addresses discourage your followers.
  4. You tweet for and to yourselves. You can recognize it easily - nobody reacts to your posts, and usually they are not even directed at someone else. People don't care about your tweets. They want to get engaged.
  5. #Hashtag #at #each #word. Hashtag are used for keywords, ie. they should not overwhelm readers. And definitely they should not be used with prepositions, pronouns, etc.
  6. You enjoy subtweeting, ie. indirect mention of someone without specifying their name. Something like that does not belong on the internet, and especially not on Twitter.

So if you modify your Twitter feed according to the above points, the number of followers will most likely stop decreasing.



Article source Ragan's PR Daily - news, advice, and opinions on the public relations, marketing, social media, and media worlds
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