Unusual creative ways to succeed on social media


Social media work is rapidly becoming routine. However, in the growing competition it is becoming harder to succeed. That's why it is good to come up with something new. But how to make sure it will work? Maybe with the help of a few innovative tips from Socialmouths.

Use Twitter to test headlines

The headline is important: According to an American Press Institute study, 6 out of 10 people do not read beyond the headlines. If you want your article to be read, you must have a very attractive eye-catcher. And Twitter will serve to test it.

How to do this? Just come up with two different versions of a heading for your article. Tweet both within a similar time period, about an hour after each other. Then compare the results and see which has the larger response.

Use Facebook as a login

The same can be done with other social networks but a Facebook account is preferred for this by a majority of users.

People are already tired of lengthy form filling. A social login option, therefore, makes their lives easier and increases the likelihood of their staying on the website (and possibly also realising a purchase).

Login via Facebook also offers the opportunity to learn about hobbies and preferences of users. This allows you to customise their experience.

As a bonus, social login reduces barriers to sharing your content: the user is logged in to the social network and content sharing is easier for them.

Social shares data help identify popular topics

One effective way to attract an audience is to determine which competing articles performed the best. Then just write something even better on the same topic.

The number of shares can be ascertained, for example, using free tools such as QuickSprout. Simply insert the URL of an article that would be appropriate for your audience. Compare more articles and insert data into the table. You get a topic and then you just have to be a little better: For example, you can expand on the most frequent comments, or add a video or better graphics to your article.

You can send your new content out to those who have previously expressed an interest in the topic. Use TwitterSearch to obtain results for a specified phrase (title of the original article). You can then use your Twitter account to reply directly. That way you help promote your own new article.


Article source SocialMouths - blog providing advice in social media marketing
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