Is your product worth it? Find out how customers see it


We use a variety of tricks during the sales pitch. But, have you ever thought about measuring how much clients appreciate your product? The server brings a few tips how to find out. If you use this information as much as possible, you may become a more successful seller. This information can also help convince retailers to sell your product in their business.

1) Measuring the websites

More then 80 % of consumers research products on the web sites even if they are planning to buy it in a store. So follow the trends in web metrics. Measure  on-line traffic, searches queries and engagement on social sites. Free tools like Google Trends, Google Keyword Planner or program Compete can be helpful.

2) Pay attention to referrals

If you analyze on-line customer reviews, you will find out how customers perceive the product. Then you can use this information to verify the potential for expanding into other markets. Also pay attention to any comments.

3) Share articles about you

Retailers like newspaper articles. Sharing an article about you or your product on Facebook or Twitter is a great recommendation. Consumers like to communicate their impressions, especially on social networks. Positive on line referrals are excellent  validation of your product. Customers are much more likely to shop if they read a positive review on social networks.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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