Do you want clients to come back again and again? Create a subscription service


Do you want to make your customers come back to your product again and again? The easiest way is to implement subscription services, which regularly provide your service or product to a client and he pays automatically. Subscriptions take advantage of people's laziness, and thanks to their idleness, you get stable revenue. You don't have to wait to see if your customer comes back or not.

Subscriptions don't have to apply only to books or magazines. Be creative and you may find out how to implement them into your field. The server gave a few tips on how to successfully manage subscription services.

1) The customer needs to have a reason

Subscriptions have to be beneficial for you as well as for the client. An efficient way is offer a discount. If you sell a product which has limited availability, offer it to subscribers before anyone else. Also special or upgraded services may be a motivation to subscribe.

2) More intense business partnership

There should be a tool on your website where the customer can manage his subscriptions or change an address or bank account. Provide information about the subscriber to people from customer service for better communication with the client.

3) Market research

On the customer side, subscribing means they've entered into a long-term business partnership. Now you have the right to communicate with them. Use that right to do research. Ask the customer about his preferences or how you can improve customer service.

4) Increase sales

Another way to benefit from a partnership is to offer other products or services which the customer may need.

5) Improve your business strategy

Use your research to improve your business model. A subscription service is not the only option of how to get customers to use your product or service regularly. Find out from clients what suits them best and be ready to adjust.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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