Make successful content marketing


Content marketing is a good way to encourage customers to read what you publish. offered some tips on how to do it to get lots of readers.

1) Plan your content marketing

Make a template which you will use for planning the marketing content. It should include the headline, target keywords or phrases for searching, meta description and permalink.

2) Think about the competition

Use the Google AdWords and the key word planner. Find out how often keywords or phrases you want to use are searched.

3) Research of your keywords

Do the words or phrases you chose have a lot of competition?  How many times a month are they searched? Find out what suits you best and use it in meta description, permalink and title.

4) Write it

Your posts should have from 400 to 700 words. Use headers, subheads and bullets to make your text easier to read. Use approximately one link for every 100 words.  One of those links should be to your site and the others to external websites. Think carefully about the externals links.

Encourage readers to action. You can invite them to comment. Offer a subscription to the blog or download part of the content, a demo of your product or a free trial. Keep them reading. Use active language and short sentences.

5) Publish

Google+ helps with your search results. When you post the link to your blog in Google+, use the keywords or phrases. Do the same on Twitter and LinkedIn. Make it easy for your readers to share your content on social networks by social share buttons on every page of your website.

Key words are important. Keep in mind that you write for people, so the content must be readable and not overloaded  with keywords. The Readers interest is always the first concern.


Article source AllBusiness - a U.S. website and community for small businesses
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