Using mobile marketing


Whatever type business you have, most of your clients own at least one mobile device. Most marketers and businessmen make a profit from it. Standard, anonymous advertising strategies have failed in achieving the desired results. It seems the best approach is targeting specific customers. Capitalize on the mobiles devices which are everywhere around you to provide value-added services. wrote about this issue recently.

An effective solution

Banner and e-mail ads consistently yield a poor level of customer engagement and fail to change shopping habits. Targeted messages on smartphones and tablets seem to be the most effective solution.

You can target customers with specific advertising thanks to shared location and preference data. Customers will probably answer an ad if it is an offer they want to receive.

Targeted SMSes

Recent data shows that marketing campaigns with targeted SMSes deliver eight times more customer engagement than email equivalents. Changes in customer habits were noticed in 23 per cent of cases. Customers were likely to unsubscribe when they received messages on weekends.

It is important to engage the customer with offers which correspond to the information they have provided about themselves. A third of apps use location data. Mobile users like to find, patronize and rate companies with mobile devices. The better service they receive, the more receptive they become. It is marketing which focuses and looks for customers who are likely to respond.

Geo marketing

Embracing geo-specific location marketing is expensive. Business owners don't want to spend money on something new. However, the outcomes outdo the embedded costs. Customers want pertinent information in real-time. Personalized and local marketing can give businesses a chance to succeed.


Article source AllBusiness - a U.S. website and community for small businesses
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