Do not ignore customer reviews


Customer reviews influence your business in many ways. They impact revenues and customer opinions about you. They may improve your services and business operations. wrote about why it is important to stay informed of your online reputation and make efforts to enhance it.

1) Provide reviews

If you provide customer reviews on your website for potential customers, you will increase people's trust in you. A new customer is more likely to believe the words of another customer than what you yourself say. Google´s addition of AdWords Review Extensions enables reviews to be placed into the search pages, where a potential customer will discover you for the first time

2) Do not be afraid to ask

If you know that a customer is satisfied with your services, do not be shy about asking him or her for reviews. Be polite, not pushy. You can motivate the customer in some way.

3) Customer feedback

Customer online reviews provide great feedback. Use this information for improving product offers, solving problems of customers or dealing with logistical issues. Excellent customer service is important for customer trust. If customer service is poor, customers are likely to pass the word on. So customer reviews should appear first on your website. Then you can assess the situation and respond.

Your competition in the online world is high. One of the ways to be different might be reviews from satisfied customers. Use Google, your website and other tools. Reviews written by customers will be received positively. The more reviews clients find while looking for information about you, the better.


Article source AllBusiness - a U.S. website and community for small businesses
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