Become a natural-born salesperson


You do not have to be born a great salesperson. If you want to become great, try the recommendations published on

1) Use your empathy

Improve your ability to listen and understand a customer´s concerns. Empathy is important because it increases one's ability to listen. You are born with empathy but you have to learn how to listen.

Listen twice as much as you speak. The ability to listen may increase your sales. If you want a long-term business relationship with a client, you have to understand their feelings and see things from their perspective. The best salespeople are caring: they care about their industry, company and customers.

2) Believe in yourself

Self-confidence is essential to business success. But it is not clear whether extroverts are better than introverts. Many people consider extroverts better salespeople; recently, however, this idea has been revised. An introvert salesperson allows clients to keep matters under their own control so that mutual trust, respect and long-term relationships are built.

3) It is not necessary to negotiate prices

If you know that your offer is worth the price, you do not have to accept negotiating. Make an offer of such a quality that your customers will not have any reason for negotiating.

4) Collaborate with others

Autonomy is great. But do not forget you are part of a team and you have to collaborate. Even if you are the best salesperson, you still have to be in contact with others. Be a team player and push those around you to be better. There should be mutual trust amongst your co-workers.

There are only a few great salespeople who were born that way. If you work hard, you can get to be among the best ones.


Article source ProSales - news, information, and expertise on sales
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