How to reach old customers with a new product


You have a new product and you are going to start phoning your current and former customers to let them know. What is the best way to start the conversation and win them over to your new offer? This question was recently answered on The website published several tips on how to do it. Their goal is to have a chat, check the current needs and desires of the customers, and prepare the ground for future appointments.

1. Find out what's new

Do not say that you want to offer a new product right at the beginning of the call. Say you were recently thinking about the particular customer and ask whether he has some time to talk with you. When the customer learns that you thought of him, he will be more receptive to talk. Continue by asking how he is doing and what is new in his life and company. Listen carefully and record both his professionals and personal news.

2. Share your news

Comment positively on the potential customer' s news and thank him for sharing. Briefly share your personal news as well. According to what he says, decide which of your new products could be of interest to the customer. Say it is great talking to each other because you think you have something interesting to offer.  Then ask whether the customer would like to hear a brief summary of your offer.

3. Schedule an appointment

Your description of the new product should not take more than two minutes. Be as brief as possible and mention only the most relevant aspects of your offer for the particular customer. Then ask him whether he is interested in learning more and schedule an appointment. During the actual appointment, build on what you talked about on the phone.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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