Is there any use of scripts while calling?


Are you considering using scripts in your customer service? Server summarized advantages and disadvantages of using them.  The benefits of using them  follow: 

1) It eliminates "small talks"

Customers who contact you with a specific problem usually do not have either the time or are in the mood for conversation which is not connected to their issues. What they want is an effective solution. If you provide your agents with a script to stick to, it will make it easier for your agents as well as for your clients to deal with the issue.

2) Scripts ease legal compliance

By using scripts you have a greater chance that your agents will not forget to tell customers important information, especially if there is a legal obligation to inform clients about it. In the case that calls are being recorded for training purposes the customer must be told. Using a script can ensure that this information is not overlooked.

Are you considering using scripts in your customer service? summarized some disadvantages of using them. 

1) Agents do not sound natural

Thanks to the use of scripts, your customers problems will be solved faster. It will lead to higher productivity of your agents and more satisfied customers. But customers will be happy only in the cases where your agents use the scripts carefully.  It will not happen if the agent is only focused on a script and not on the client. 

Agents can be great at memorising  a script, but they must be good at bringing it to life. Customers may have already spent several minutes listening to a recording before speaking to a real human. The last thing they want is to talk with a person who sounds like a robot. If your agents have to stick to a script, you should choose those who have the abilities of empathy, listening and problem-solving. You have to reconcile this with the fact that the range of these qualities will be limited by using scripts.

2) It decreases the personal approach

Most  customers prefer spending more time with solving their issues, they are even ready to pay more. They want to be sure that the problem is really solved. Scripts to some extent eliminate the ability of agent to respond flexibly and effectively to the individual customers.  


Article source Call Centre Helper - British weekly online call centre magazine
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