5 examples of customers behavior when it is better to leave


Are you thinking about withdrawing from your cooperation with any of your customers? Topsalesworld.com described three types of customer behavior when it is really better to give up working with them.

1) Long and happy cooperation with someone else

The prospect has been working successfully with two of your competitors for a long time. If it seems to you that you are the last one they involve in the sales process and they show no real interest in negotiating with you, it is time for you to cut them loose. It is very probable that you are only being used to compare pricing and features.

2) Inability to move forward

Do you find that your customer cannot establish a time frame and budget? If the final decision is being constantly put off, the business is getting less and less advantageous for you. The customer may be interested in your service, but there is no urgency. If there is not a proper reason for putting the deal off, there is no need to stay in this "business relationship".

3) You cannot meet important people

Is it impossible to meet with the decision maker? This is proof that this deal will not be successful. Ask to meet the person who makes the decisions. If you get an unclear answer or a flat-out "no", step away from the deal. You will have more time for customers who really want to work with you.

4) Impossible demands

If your customer has some requirements you know you cannot meet, be honest and tell him. It is best to set criteria at the very beginning of your negotiations and then continue on from there, or end it.

5) Suspicious behaviour

Be wary of unethical or illegal behaviour. In some cases it is better to walk away immediately without considering the profitability of the business.


Article source Top Sales World - global sales community
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