A small phrase that will help your sales


The phrase "Yes, and..." will help you deepen relationships with clients or increase the number of closed deals. Inc.com describes four ways to use it and how it will help you to be successful.

1) It helps to sell more

A customer is telling you that your product is really great for his/her company. What is your response? Is it something like "Thank you! I am so glad you are happy with it."? Consider another option: "Yes, we're glad it's fitting your needs so well. And many of our customers also have good results when they pair it with this other complementary product." Or: "Yes, and it's available at a discount for a limited time, in case you're interested in stocking up."

Another way is to extend your customer network. "I'm glad we have a deal, and I'm wondering if you know anyone else who might also be interested in this service."

2) It helps in uncomfortable situations

In a negative situation use "yes, and..." instead of "but"

Example: "Your work is great, but we could not use it because you did not deliver it on time."

The following is probably better: "Your work is great, and it would be really helpful if you could deliver it by the deadline so that we can be sure to use it." Removing the "but" takes conflict and opposition out of your negotiating. It brings you closer to a mutual solution in a situation which seemed to be hopeless.

3) It deepens the relationship

If someone says you look great, you probably just thank them. Try saying "Thank you, and you look great as well.” or "Thank you, and maybe it is because I really enjoy working with you." This way, every conversation can progress to a deeper level.

4) It maintains communication

By using a response containing "Yes, and ..." , you will bring new information or a fresh viewpoint to the dialogue. Thus the person you are talking to can respond to you and a conversation will develop. And the best business relationships start via conversations.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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