How to ask for referrals


Do you have problems with getting referrals from your customers? Salespeople often make lots of mistakes. The essential for getting referrals is to ask in the right way. Referrals will not come to you automatically. How to get them was described in a recent article on

1) Do not be afraid to ask

It is logical, if you do not ask, you will not get referrals. So no excuses, why not just do it and ask. It is not very difficult for your customers to refer other customers to you. Also just hinting does  not get a good result. If you want to get new contacts and client recommendations ask directly.

2) Ask more than once

It may not be enough to ask just once and be satisfied with what you get. The more often you ask, the more referrals and better quality of contacts you will get. Your contact list will increase. Explain what you specifically need. Referral is a general word, be specific.

3) Ask at the right time

If you ask during the sales process, clients will have more time to think about someone mutually suitable. However, when the sale is over, you client will have mentally moved from you to another issue. It is convenient to ask during the sales process, not at the end.

4) Show interest in your current customer

Most clients will not you give referrals just because they like you or because you did a good job. The client needs to have a good reason. So focus on the interest of you potential customers and offer your current client a reason why it is in their best interest. Not in your interest.

5) Get more information

It is good to get more information than just the name of potential client and his phone number. If you call without having any information, he will consider you to be just another tele-salesperson. So get information that can help them when you call.


Article source EyesOnSales - popular sales blog for Sales Professionals around the world
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