How to keep the interest of a potential client


When you start negotiating with a customer who seems to be interested, do not forget that you are still far from claiming a victory. The customer still requires your full attention and you have to be available if he needs extra information. described how to communicate with potential customers who show signs of being interested, as well as with these who reject you at the beginning.

1) Do not make your customer wait

If you want your customer to trust you from the beginning, be prompt. If your potential customer does not hear from you for a long time, he or she is very probably going to find a new option. Customers who are interested in you deserve a quick response at the beginning and for the whole duration of the deal.

2) Do not give up

Do you make a call, get a rejection and then give up? This is not the best attitude. Research shows that making just two well-limited phone contacts increases your chances of being successful. If you make six calls, your chances significantly improve. Moreover, people may be impressed by your being interested in them that much. But crossing over the limit of six calls may be dangerous. The customer may be turned off and spread negative references about you.

3) Make a good first impression

How the potential customer sees you at the beginning can dictate the direction that relationship takes in the future. Read more in A step by step guide to the first five minutes with your client.

4) Offer quality cooperation

Providing your customers with the information they need, communicating with them and following up at the right times should be a matter of course, but it is not. So using this approach makes the customer appreciate your service. Find out what your customer needs and when he wants to be contacted. Create a process to be sure that the customer gets exactly what he needs. 


Article source CustomerThink - US website focused on customer care
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