To engage the client, you must respect them

Respecting a prospect should be automatic in every sale. This is why it's surprising how many sales don't happen in the end because the sales rep willfully decides to be too informal, or even disrespectful, with the prospect (who does not appreciate it).


The server published a manual that says what respect on the part of the salesperson should look like.

Schedule an appointment first

Never show up at a company or at a client's place unexpected and unscheduled. Always set up an appointment in advance. This shows respect to the prospect and their time, and also you won't look like a door-to-door salesman.

Respect the client's time

At the beginning of the meeting, state how long it's going to take, and do your best not to exceed the given limit. Respect that the prospect might be busy.

Know who you are dealing with

You should make it clear at the meeting that you have detailed knowledge of the products and business activities of the company that the prospect represents. If you make a faux pas by not knowing elementary specifics about the activities of the given company, the client will think that you see them only as another one of many prospects.

Be on time

Don't make the prospect wait for you and don't change the time of the meeting. Not being able to find where you're meeting or getting stuck in traffic are not excuses either.

Listen to the prospect

There is nothing that shows your respect for the prospect better than actively listening to what is being said and thinking about it. Never brush off the opinions of the prospect as groundless or irrelevant.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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