5 questions you should not ask during a business meeting

Suitable probing and questioning of a prospect are important for the success of a business meeting. But it is equally important to know which questions not to ask so that you do not give the prospective client negative signals. Here is a list of them.


This article originally appeared on the blog of the HubSpot company.

1. "Are you interested in this product?"

This question is groundless because the prospect will almost certainly say no. It is important to find a connection between the individual characteristics of the product and the needs of the client. Focus on the needs of the customer.

2. "When is it suitable for me to get back to you?"

From the point of view of the client, there is never a good time. Do not just follow the customer's schedule; do not behave as if you were bothering the client.

3. "Did you look at the offer I sent you?"

Sooner or later you will find out whether the client has paid any attention to what you sent them. In most cases they will not have looked at it, and it is not advisable to make the customer feel guilty at the very beginning of a meeting or a phone call.

4. "Do you have all the information you need to decide?"

Of course it is understandable that the salesperson wants to ensure the customer has all the information necessary to make a decision. But you yourself should be the best judge of whether the client knows everything they need to know about your product.

5. "Are you the right person to talk to about this?"

This question might seem rather insulting. If the given company rep is not authorised to decide about this deal, they will tell you themselves.


Article source HubSpot Blog - marketing and sales blog of the HubSpot company
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