The 7 deadly sins of customer care

As in many other fields, customer service also has its own seven deadly sins. If you expose your clients to any of the following things, you might damage your reputation forever, and you will almost certainly lose the customer. Here are the seven deadly sins of customer service.


This list was published by Forbes.

The first sin: Threatening the health or lives of clients

If you offer dangerous products, or if you expose your clients to danger in any possible way, your clients will never forgive you.

The second sin: The inability to concede that you made a mistake

A company should learn from its mistakes and should praise a client who points them out. People are allergic to companies that are unable to admit they made a mistake.

The third sin: Lying

Simply put, you can never lie to a customer; otherwise you lose credibility forever.

The fourth sin: Stealing from a customer

If you don't grant a client a reimbursement to which the client is objectively entitled to, or if you want them to pay for something they shouldn't be paying for, you are, so to speak, committing suicide.

The fifth sin: Mistreating employees

Many employers severely underestimate the extent to which clients are sensitive to the ways the company treats its employees.

The sixth sin: Racism, sexism and extremism

Any form of expression of unacceptable attitudes means losing a large number of clients forever.

The seventh sin: Violating privacy

A leak or losing sensitive information, violating the right to privacy and unacceptable interference with your clients' privacy are all very sensitive topics these days, and people take them very seriously.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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