4 tips on making a sales process more human

Personalisation and being human: the individual approach is now crucial in the world of sales. The winners are those companies that manage to make their clients feel comfortable and at home when buying and using the services of the company. One thing is interwoven in all this: the human factor.


A salesperson should not be just a representative of a corporate, offering the same universal solution to everybody: they should be capable of dealing with the customer as a human being. Here we offer four tips on how to add more of the human factor to your sales processes.

Remember the client's details

According to the HubSpot blog, you should always have also an informal chat with the prospect - not just to make the meeting less formal, but also because you want to learn details about the customer that you can then use in the subsequent phases of the process.

Have you agreed on your favourite film or are you both fans of the same sport? Use this knowledge to make a suitable remark at the next meeting. It might just be a minor detail but it still adds the much needed human factor to the process.

Leave e-mail be

The channel itself through which you communicate with the client is very important. Even if you are fans of e-mail due to its simple use and the possibility to archive communication, start phoning clients more.

A quick phone call is always pleasant. At the same time use a quality CRM system to note the details of the call once it is finished for your future reference.

Focus on the client

Many salespeople like to talk about themselves, their product and the company they represent. But to make the sales process more human, it is sufficient just to focus primarily on the client, their needs and their opinions.

Be more human

You yourself are only a human being and despite the necessary professionalism, which is a must for every successful salesperson, you do not have to dread showing your human side as well.

Admit a mistake, talk with the client honestly about some topic, or say something suitable about your personal life. The customer will then feel more of a connection to you and you can thus build a sense of mutual trust.


Article source HubSpot Blog - marketing and sales blog of the HubSpot company
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