Why successful salespeople join companies, then either stay or leave

For many companies, having successful, skilful business people in the sales team is a matter of vital importance. It is no wonder that companies aim to lure the best possible professionals who will bring in large revenues for the company. And they are often willing to pay big money for such people.


Here are the main reasons why successful salespeople decide to join a company, what most of all keeps them there and what the most common reasons are for them to leave companies.

Most common reasons for joining a company

Do you wish to attract the best experts? Obviously. But you must prepare suitable conditions for them. Here are the main reasons why top salespeople decide to join a company:

  • Fair reward system. Top salespeople like to challenge themselves but they also expect an appropriate reward for their efforts. Put simply, if a business person sells a lot, they should also earn a lot.
  • Corporate culture. The culture of the given company should see sales as a vital and integral part of the activities of the company, not just as a necessary evil, which in many enterprises is the case.
  • Salespeople must get along with other people on the team. A good working environment is to a large extent defined by the atmosphere in which we work.

Reaons why salespeople stay

Keeping quality business people is something different from attracting them. Here are things that will keep salespeople at your company:

  • Modern sales attitudes. Salespeople like to develop and learn new things. Thus they are inspired by innovative, modern technologies and attitudes.
  • Training opportunities. Companies that neglect the training of their employees are heading for big trouble in the long run.
  • Diverse work. Salespeople appreciate it if their job is varied and incorporates several sectors and activities.

Reasons why salespeople leave

Here are the most common reasons why business people decide to leave a company:

  • Their work is insufficiently appreciated. Work may be undervalued both financially and otherwise.
  • Zero advancement. Lack of training, lack of career development, lack of flexibility, low expectations. All this can prove very frustrating to a successful salesperson.
  • Bad division of roles. A management mistake may result in team roles being insufficiently distributed, as a result of which the work is chaotic and unsystemic. For the performance of a salesperson, this may prove fatal.


Article source HubSpot Blog - marketing and sales blog of the HubSpot company
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