7 tricks to prevent burnout syndrome

Burnout syndrome lurks creepily over all salespeople, with no exceptions. You can be a successful salesperson one minute, and then in a second you lose your desire to do anything. And because selling is one of the most vulnerable jobs when it comes to burnout, here are seven tips on how to prevent it.


Take care of yourself

According to Entrepreneur.com, taking care of your physical and mental health must be one of your top priorities. Take care of yourself, know yourself and focus on your psychological well-being.

Don't neglect your hobbies

No matter how difficult your work is, you shouldn't neglect your hobbies and the activities you enjoy. Don't just live for work.


Physical activity is essential to mental well-being. If you don't move around enough, you'll soon start to feel very bad. Exercise regularly, ideally every day.

Keep a regular sleep regimen

After a long day at work, many people don't want to go to sleep early so they still can enjoy some of their personal life. But that's a mistake, because you should go to sleep and get up at regular times.

Get rid of routines

One of the most common reasons for burning out are deadening routine tasks. Get rid of them. Use automation or delegate them.

Separate work life and personal life

Work is not the only thing in your life. You should make the effort to separate your work from your personal life, at least to a certain extent.

Have realistic goals

A frequent source of frustration is chasing unrealistic goals. Have pragmatic, short-term goals, and reward yourself for reaching them.


Article source Entrepreneur.com - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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