7 tips on how to impress a client at the first meeting

Similar to romantic relationships, the first meeting with a client is also the most important. Your goal might just be to learn information about them so you can make an offer, or even sell the product right away. Whatever the case, the first meeting with a customer must be used to impress them and make them want your product.


Here are seven tips on how to impress a new prospect at the first sales meeting.

Be positive at all times

According to Destination CRM, a salesperson is someone who can find a solution even where there is seemingly none, and who is able to find something positive, even in the worst situations. So stay positive, even if the world is falling apart.

Have a clear goal

Your meeting, your product and your offer should aim at one specific target based on the client's needs. It might be to save the client time or money, or to solve a problem.

Let the client decide

The customer must not feel that you're the one making decisions. Give them some space to make decisions, even if it's just partial, unimportant things.

Know your product

You must know your product, even to the smallest detail. The prospect must never surprise you with a question.

Convince the customer about the value of your product

The client must believe that the product is valuable to them. Not that it is expensive, but that it is ideal for them and their needs and, as such, is valuable and irreplaceable.

Let the customer talk

Salespeople often talk too much, but ideally the client should talk about 80% of the time. Let the client talk about what's bothering them and what they're interested in.

Treat them as individuals

Clients always want to feel that someone is treating them as an individual. So throw away all your scripts and universal solutions, and always adjust the solution you are offering so that it's tailor-made to fit the customer.


Article source Destination CRM - U.S. website focused on CRM and KM
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