The 3 most common reasons you fail to sell

Having good business results is not so much about what you're selling, but primarily about your approach to the whole process and about the way you communicate with clients. Even the best product cannot save a bad salesperson from failure, but the best salesperson can even sell an unpopular product successfully. If you're asking why you're failing to sell, here are the three most common reasons.


Negative first impression

It has already been said many times, and it will be said many times in the future. First impressions are crucial. As Sales Gravy states, if you manage to make a bad first impression when meeting a client, you have a problem that is hard to get over. This is why you must wear appropriate clothes, smile and give an energetic and positive impression. You should also know something about the client beforehand so that you know how best to communicate with the customer.

Little interest in the client

Many sales rep think about what to say so that the client gets excited about the offer immediately. And while they're thinking so hard about how to describe the product, they forget that the most important thing is to be genuinely interested in the customer and their needs. Let the client talk, really try to empathize with them and generally show them that you're interested in their situation.

No plan

A sales rep should have a plan in mind what the meeting should lead to. They should set goals (usually it's a close) and they should have a certain strategy ready in order to reach that goal. If there's no outline, it can happen that the meeting leads to nowhere and eventually the client says goodbye, saying vaguely that they will think about the offer. Have a plan ready, have a strategy, proceed step by step and have your interaction with the client under control at all times.


Article source Sales Gravy - international networking community for Sales Professionals
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