Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

COVID-19 is changing the purchasing behavior of your target customers

"We live in unprecedented times." This is probably a sentence you have heard many times since the…

5 strategies for effective lead generation

Many companies are looking for quick and easy ways to reach new prospects or users. Effective work…

Prepare your online marketing strategy for the impending recession

One of the worst economic downturns in recent history awaits us. Companies with good supplier…

Build a quality acquisition marketing plan based on your data

Most marketers are blind. They produce content and news and hope that there will be enough people…

20 marketing recommendations for e-commerce during the coronavirus crisis

Coronavirus continues to affect retail, so there is no choice but to review your activities and…

Empathy in marketing teams is rising, efficiency is dropping, UK study says

Empathy is growing as team members become closer each other during the coronavirus crisis. On the…

Why does your business need a B2B social media strategy?

Getting closer to the customer is the mantra of all salespeople nowadays, and its importance will…

Social Selling, or how to get a bigger piece of the pie

Are you active on social media but not achieving the business results you want? Here are six basic…

How to become a respected author of expert articles on LinkedIn

The professional network LinkedIn is a suitable platform to present not only your products and…

Listing 19 to 27 out of 230