Only goals that are challenges and force us to achieve higher targets may be useful. They, however,…
"Nobody is born with fear. This is why we can get rid of fear through self-discipline," says an…
Number of women in top management is gradually growing in recent years. Much has been written about…
Leadership requires trust. Successful leaders therefore focus on building trust and not enforcing…
Mantra dnešních organizací „dělat více s méně zdroji“…
Do you have doubts about whether the participants of your training sessions pay attention to you?…
Zpětná vazba je jedním ze základních nástrojů vedení a rozvoje zaměstnanců. Bývá součástí…
Empowerment in the field of people management means developing employees' confidence in their…
Optimista vidí sklenici z poloviny plnou, pesimista z poloviny prázdnou. „…