Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Weakening individual performance incentives can help the company

In law firms and other professional service companies, corporate compensation structures ensure…

How to waste your time and productivity

All of us trying to improve our productivity finally find out that certain recommendations work…

Does today's world favour introverts? 4 reasons why it should

If you could choose, would you hire an extrovert or an introvert? You should know that some of the…

Innovation projects: How to succeed when each team is responsible for different parts

Imagine two teams of engineers preparing a new laptop. One is designing the processor, the other the…

Finish with procrastination once and for all

Notorious postponing of duties, bad time management, loads of wasted time, getting stuck on details…

Stay mentally sharp with these easy tricks

Useful time is wasted when you worry. Focus on making plans and taking action. Also know what you…

Why try too hard to be perfect, whether average is enough?

Our modern world is obsessed with perfectionism. We are told constantly that nothing but the best is…

Groupthink: Don’t be fooled by it

The concept of groupthink dates back to the early 1950s, when it was defined by Forbes magazine as …

Help your brain to cope with change

Although the nature of work has changed enormously throughout the centuries, the fundamental…

Listing 352 to 360 out of 918