Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Trends in project management for 2016

What can we expect in the project management industry this year? According to the Project Times…

6 ways in which successful people overcome fear

Uncertainty, nervousness, stress. Successful businesspeople always seem so self-confident that they…

Four steps to achieve your goals for sure

If you want to achieve your life goals, live within your means. Also, eat breakfast every day and…

Exceptional employees have a high EQ

Technical education, skills and years of experience - all important prerequisites of exceptional…

What does it mean to be mentally strong?

Successful people are usually mentally strong. Acquiring this skill is, however, not easy and does…

Leadership skills are not only for managers

You can become a good leader even when you're not managing a team. Each day offers opportunities to…

Project management can't be learned by accident

Project management is one of the most neglected areas of company operations. Many organizations only…

When your team needs you more than you think

Managers are often criticized for watching every step their subordinates make and instructing their…

Is managing people remotely really so difficult? What about the Egyptian pyramids?

The manager who supervised the building of the pyramids in Giza did not experience hard times trying…

Listing 415 to 423 out of 918