Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

First aid against stress

Are you approaching your deadline and starting to panic? Then, instead of an increased consumption…

From colleague to boss

So it happened: they promoted you. But are you sufficiently ready to manage your former colleagues?…

Back to work after Christmas

Christmas holidays are coming to an end and your re-entry to your work is approaching quickly. No…

5 steps to successful resolutions

Most people's New Year's resolutions last only a very short time. If you really want to change…

How to get rid of stress (not just) at the end of the year

The end of the old and start of the new year is one of the most difficult times at both work and…

Ten reasons why your talents are leaving

Although employers talk a lot about how important their talents are for them, they are, via their…

Richard Branson gives advice on how to make brainstorming more effective

If you are thinking about how to make brainstorming in your team more effective, try to get inspired…

Glass of water and other tips for a productive day

To have a productive day, start with a glass of water immediately after waking up. The human body is…

Do you have your career well in hand?

Careers are no longer purely linear. The times when the position in the companys hierarchy was…

Listing 793 to 801 out of 918