Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Don’t let the podium ruin your presentation

There are two benefits of using a podium: The presenter has a place where he can have his…

What to do if you can't meet a deadline

Even the most reliable people sometimes fail to finish a task on time. Whatever the cause when we…

Every presentation needs an element of persuasion

You should be a persuasive presenter. Why? Because, basically, you always need to persuade your…

The Clinton Box and other non-verbal tricks for successful presentations

Positive body language, including smiles, eye contact, a pleasant tone of voice and persuasive…

The customer is not always right. What should you do?

Not only freelancers have to treat their clients well, businesses do too. If you have a trouble-…

How to win negotiations with aggressive opponents

Efforts to dominate, which may lead to intimidation or bullying of others, are not unusual at the…

How to lead a virtual team

Learn how better to manage your staff – including from a distance. The goal still remains the…

Stop doing these 4 things and you will be more successful in life

What separates the successful from the rest? It's not origin, education, and in many cases, not even…

Laziness may be genetic, but it's mostly in your head

People who tend to delay their tasks and duties or find themselves more lazy than they would like…

Listing 235 to 243 out of 1035