Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Build your reputation without bragging

If you have opportunity to present your own articles in print publications or on websites,…

10 commandments to solve managerial incompetence

Are your subordinates driving you nuts? Do you think they are incompetent and constantly gossip…

Could you become a professional speaker? (2/2)

In the first article, Brian Tracy, a famous speaker, advised us on how to start a career in public…

Busy during summer? Look at these tips (2/2)

Why should you start with the tasks that will be the most difficult to accomplish? Why shouldn't…

Presentation tips for a professional performance

If you feel the need to rehearse a speech immediately before starting to speak, it is not a good…

Busy during summer? Look at these tips (1/2)

If you have a series of small tasks that you repeatedly postpone, you will be at your wits' end when…

How to survive with your new boss

Your new boss should be informed about your development plan as well as what you have in the…

PowerPoint is a good servant but a bad master

Most people worldwide use PowerPoint to prepare presentations. Most people worldwide, however, also…

4 tips for enhanced creativity

Being creative is a skill that can be trained and fostered. Cultivate it and your overall…

Listing 478 to 486 out of 1035