Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Negotiations: How to achieve a win-win result

Many people feel uncomfortable when they have to negotiate. Some of us even hate negotiating.…

What to do on Sunday evening - let the successful inspire you

There are not many people who would look forward to Sunday evening. A survey carried out by Monster.…

10 tasks you should never postpone

It is often said that it's best to sleep on difficult tasks; however, other advice is "never put off…

How to cure a company

The first phase is to understand that there is a problem in other words, that you have chosen a…

Introvert or extravert? Learn to manage both

There are many typologies that help you understand why people in specific situations behave in…

Stop wasting your time

Do you want to be successful at work? Then you should work hard on improving your productivity. Pay…

How to catch attention at the beginning of a presentation

If you fail to catch the audience's attention at the beginning of your speech, your chances of…

How to adopt a posture of (no) power?

Are you interested in how body language affects how we are perceived by others as well as how we…

Time is not only a calendar

Every business owner, manager,and salesman, are looking for ways to better manage time. When you…

Listing 757 to 765 out of 1035