Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Don't worry to do nothing

Most managers think they cannot afford to do nothing. After all, even doing one thing at a time is a…

Get ready for questions and answers

The final part of a presentation, dedicated to questions and answers, can throw even experienced…

Don't be too modest

As the saying goes, self-praise stinks. Being unable to highlight our own achievements and thus…

Project managers must be prepared for constant change

Most project management articles focus on different methodologies, managing expectations of…

When to terminate a project

All projects can simply not succeed. Managers should therefore know when terminating a project will…

Being a parent is a good qualification

When people speak or write about working parents, they mostly deal with the problems of work-life…

How to survive mornings if you are an evening person

Many people must face the fact that even though they are not early birds they simply have to go to…

Are you really productive?

Just because you work from morning till night does not mean that you are working productively. If…

Three tips for a more productive summer

The summer weather has finally come to our country. Employees' dreams about doing nothing on the…

Listing 856 to 864 out of 1035