Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Three common tips for cooperative leadership

While negotiating the needs of many different managers and still delivering your work is…

Don't worry to provide feedback

Providing feedback does not belong among the most popular managerial tasks. Many managers consider…

Brian Tracy: How to be more popular

Do you want to be more popular at work and in your private life? Then focus on one of the basic…

Welcome different opinions in your team

A manager who refuses conflicts can do a lot of harm to his team. Therefore, if your life have…

Mastering a difficult conversation with good employees

Who are your best employees? Are they friendly and able to join the team as well as work…

How to handle stressful situations effectively

Insomnia, irritability, palpitations, panic attacks, stomach cramps, excessive smoking ... Stress is…

What is the purpose of your feedback?

Your direct subordinate did not deliver information on time to the client, again. You are…

How to excel in conversation with difficult people

They get angry easily, it is hard to ask them for something, they complain, feel sorry for…

A key employee has left. Now what?

In a recent article, we discussed how to behave when a key employee gives you his notice. Now let's…

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