Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Do not worry about public speaking

Many people are scared by the idea of being a lonely speaker in front of an audience. It is…

8 communication mistakes while working from home

More and more people work from home. However, many home workers grow professionally damaging bad…

Leadership dysfunction

Most top managers exhibit some sort of dysfunction that first helps them reach their position, but…

Managing those who freak out in crisis

Just at the moment of crisis you often find that your colleagues behave quite unpredictably. It is…

Do not be afraid of virtual meetings

Virtual meetings can be a big waste of time. However, they can be very effective and even more…

Brian Tracy: How to become a better public speaker

The only way to improve your public speaking is practice. It would not hurt you, however, to…

What does a good boss want from his people?

A good boss knows how to clearly communicate his expectations to his team so that everyone…

7 steps to greater charisma

Charismatic people use to be successful. Therefore, it cannot be a bad thing to work on your…

Are you a good boss?

The fact that employees do not like you does not necessarily mean that you are a bad boss. Unpopular…

Listing 1072 to 1080 out of 1137