Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Good managers speak well; the best managers listen well

As a manager, you are probably wondering how best to lead your subordinates. You are trying to…

Calm and composure: powerful weapons of any leader

A successful team leader is someone who can inspire and motivate subordinates, but also bring calm…

How to resolve even emotionally heated negotiations in three steps

A manager has to be something of both a psychologist and a police negotiator. They often need to…

Five communication tricks of the best leaders

You can never be a truly successful and inspiring leader without being able to communicate well and…

Four negotiating techniques of successful leaders

One of the key qualities of a successful leader is the ability to solve problems, calm dissenting…

Six tips on holding an awkward conversation with a subordinate

It is a manager's duty sometimes to conduct even uncomfortable conversations with subordinates.…

Five questions a manager should regularly ask subordinates

A manager should be concerned about the welfare of their subordinates, be interested in their state…

Four communication techniques which, according to Arnold Schwarzenegger, will bring you success

Opinions about Arnold Schwarzenegger differ. But one thing cannot be denied: he has achieved success…

How you can support critical thinking and constructive discussion within your team

Every manager should try to get their subordinates to practise critical thinking and discuss…

Listing 37 to 45 out of 1136