Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

When telling a story hurts your speech

Storytelling is great for getting your audience interested in what you are talking about and for…

Discussing awkward topics may help retain your employees

If employees start checking out new vacancies and sneaking off to job interviews, it is only natural…

First 3 steps to coaching team members

Ask questions, listen and empathise with your subordinates. This, put succinctly, is the essence of…

Most common mistakes of managing virtual teams

A team consisting of people working remotely needs a strong and capable manager in order to deliver…

Network with managers from other companies

Leaders who want to be really successful, should step away from their business from time to time and…

Share your secrets or draw: Tips to start your presentation

Your audience is not too large and people know each other. However, even in this case, you may find…

How to run a product team and achieve great outcomes

To say that product teams are not easy to lead is nothing new. Such teams are usually organised as a…

Use your smartphone for better presentations

Your smartphone is a very convenient tool which can show you what your strengths are, and can also …

Study: What sort of leadership behaviour should we strive for?

An extensive study conducted by McKinsey, with researchers examining academic papers as well as…

Listing 667 to 675 out of 1137