Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Are they really listening?

The fact that someone smiles and nods when you talk does not always mean that he or she is really…

Successful negotiation: Preparation, confidence, flexibility

You are going to convince your boss to give you a new big task, a panel of recruiters to hire you…

How to help two employees who can't stand each other

The animosity between two of your employees has become unbearable and your team cannot function…

The art of entering a room

If you want others to take you seriously, you should learn to make a great first impression. It…

Establishing trust among your team

Never make any decision that you would feel uncomfortable reading about in the newspapers a few days…

Respect is a prerequisite for trust

Respected people appreciate others. Their own toil and hard work do not need to be celebrated but…

Performance evaluation sins

A manager's incorrect approach to employee performance evaluations is not only unpleasant for his…

Are your subordinates happy?

When you ask your subordinates whether they are happy about working for you, they usually respond…

10 situations where you should be silent

Why didn't I stay quiet? Most leaders are familiar with this question, especially the extroverted…

Listing 793 to 801 out of 1137