Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Performance is all about encouraging the right behaviours

Genuine effort is needed to build a high performance culture. To enable your staff to keep…

Do you really need more creativity?

Do you think your team or company is not creative enough? Maybe it's not true, you just may be…

These practices actually promote diversity

Vast bodies of research suggest that the commitment and accountability of top managers are a…

How not to spoil a corporate Christmas party for yourself and others

The season of corporate Christmas parties is upon us. On the one hand, we should know that it's a…

Study: Corporate social responsibility in the heart of Europe

Businesses have had a positive impact on finding solutions to social problems in Central Europe in…

Linking individual shift and of the organizational shift: Actual examples (2/2)

Quarterly profits are no longer an accurate picture of company performance. There can be delays and…

Linking individual shift and organizational shift (1/2)

We need to replace static, outdated business models with new dynamic ones better suited to the…

Stop talking about accountability. Be accountable

You don’t want your employees to hide mistakes? Then you must set a positive example of…

Lose your blind faith and actually create a learning culture

Change is not an event it is a process. There are no instant changes when it comes to learning.…

Listing 64 to 72 out of 165